Most Clash Royale players prefer playing the right lane. That applies to me as well, because it agitates the opponent. But here is an example of ...
Excerpt: In this video, I showcase the power of the horde army. I only defended once in the beginning of the battle. After that, I completely ignore the ...
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Oct 5, 2016 · Legendary and Epic Chest Now in Win Rotation. Really surpriced that I got a Legendary Chest, an Epic Chest, and a Gold Chest all in a roll.
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Jan 30, 2017 · Seriously!? Has anyone ever seen an executioner that uses a boomerang? Granted, it's a boomerang axe... but seriously!? LOL. Maybe he's an ...
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Nov 14, 2015 · But just now, after I attacked the goblin campaign, the Barbarian King was still wide awake. So I tried attacking another goblin village with ...
In this video, the opponent uses a horde army as well, but with different tank units. The opponent uses Baby Dragon and Giant. The Giant never came out and is ...
Wondering how five Blitzcrank would do on a Summoner's Rift map? I can say it's a lot of fun getting a lot of annoying (to the opponent) kills. Just don't ...
Good thing that the keys on this keyboard are snapped on. Using a bit of fingernail, you can easily pop off a key, clean it, then pop it back on. It is so easy ...
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Mar 10, 2016 · When I first started, I used the Arrows card a lot. It was 1 mana cheaper than the Fireball and had a larger area effect. I used it to clear out ...
[MOVED] Clash Royale: Why Focus on One Lane Instead of Two with the Horde Army. This thread has been moved to the Electronics: Phone: Games: Clash Royale forum.