I encountered such an experience last night while playing Summmoner's Rift. In last night's game, it lasted so long that my champion was fully built by end game ...
It's a fun and challenging game that requires a lot of strategy and skill. Even after playing all this time, there are a lot of secrets in the game that I haven ...
Mar 20, 2018 · Played two games of co-op vs. AI intermediate on Twisted Treeline. Both times at late game, one of the bots just sat in base. Didn't come out at ...
Is it just me or is Fiora and Master Yi very similar? I just played a Twisted Treeline game against Fiora in the bottom lane. She would flash around attacking ...
Apr 21, 2015 · League of Legends: Game Options Screen Shot. I have started playing LOL in various regions. Many of these regions do not use English, ...
League of Legends: Why No Rotating Game Mode this Weekend? Tue, 12 Dec 2017 12:50:12 -0800. Snow Battle ARURF Coming Soon this Holiday Season. Sat, 18 Feb ...
Wondering how five Blitzcrank would do on a Summoner's Rift map? I can say it's a lot of fun getting a lot of annoying (to the opponent) kills. Just don't ...
You can send a TrackBack ping to notify a relevant blog that the thread you were reading is relevant to an entry or a comment. Please enter the ...
The proponents to Runaan's Hurricane look at the math to massive enemy team damage and raves about its possibilities. The opponents to Runaan's Hurricane claim ...
Hi, I have a 2007 Expedition. I am interested in capturing transmission coolant temp. My understanding that this data is available, but is part of a ford ...