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holding down one button causes multiple buttons to trigger

I ran the profiler. But I get inconsistent results. Holding down one button causes multiple buttons to trigger. Sometimes the buttons are the same. Sometimes they are different. The screen shot shows seven buttons are lit when I'm holding down the 01 button. If this could get resolved, then I can really give it a spin.

I really like the interface. It seems simple. Even simpler and less intimidating than the Belkin interface.

Attached Image:

Nostromo N50 Profiler.png

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 01 Dec 2008 05:00:56 +0000

"Holding down one button causes multiple buttons to trigger"

Hello :)
1) Did you run the profiler in Vista ? (the "look" of the windows interface does not seem to belong to Vista)
2) The Belkin driver should not be installed : leave the default hid drivers installed by Windows.
3) The N50 should also appear as a standard gamepad in the Device Manager.
4) Do you meet the same issue with the D-pad or button 10, or is this just button 1 ? How does it behaves in commander, same thing ?

Thank you very much for feedback !

Mon, 01 Dec 2008 08:39:27 +0000

And one more question : since your controller should appear as a Gaming device in your control panel, when you press 1, how do behaves the "interface" of the Windows gaming device ?

Thank you :)

Mon, 01 Dec 2008 08:44:31 +0000

1. Yup. It's Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate. I've turned off all the fancy OS GUI elements, because this is my dedicated game machine. I want to dedicate all resources to my games.

2. Hmmm . . . I don't know if the Belkin driver is installed or not. I can try uninstalling all Belkin software. Following screen shot shows the driver that is loaded at the moment, before I've uninstalled anything.

3. Ok, so that criteria already doesn't match . . . I'll have to play around with the drivers.

4. The diagonal buttons on the D-pad shows correct result. But the other four directional buttons causes the same seven buttons to light up. Button 10 does the same thing as button 01. I haven't played with commander.exe yet.

Attached Image:

Device Manager.png

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 01 Dec 2008 08:57:21 +0000

The Game Controllers Control Panel shows correct results with the button presses. But the controller names shows something strings, as shown in the screen shot below.

Attached Image:

Game Controllers.png

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 01 Dec 2008 09:00:29 +0000

Definetly, you have Belkin driver installed : they mess everything up in your VISTA installation since they modify the HID structure events as they should appear :)
You should see your N50 as a regular HID device in your device manager. (I will take a screenshot at lunch when I'll be home)

If you want to clean up your Belkin drivers, you can download a Regclean software on Belkins US support site. . . .

I am very surprice to see that my software does not complain about that ! At home, with Belkin drivers installed, I think it would throw error messages or even crash if you try to put it in the Red, green or blue shift state !
With the default drivers installed by Vista, you will also be able to use your N50 as a standard gamepad in a lot of games : double power control !
Conclusion : Vista default drivers are far better than Belkin's drivers (lol) !

There is no reason it should not work as expected.

Mon, 01 Dec 2008 09:15:48 +0000

For the story, when I've started the development of this I ran into the same issue.
Damned !
It took me 3 weeks before I uninstall (by chance) the Belkin's driver, and then !... Ho man... I was controlling my N50 like It was supposed to be done : all the 10 buttons, the slider and the 4 direction pad (it is a fake 8 direction pad) of the USB structure where showing up in my test program.
Imagine my astonishment...

Mon, 01 Dec 2008 09:21:15 +0000

Ok. I just uninstalled the Belkin software. And now the buttons seems to be working correctly. The game controller interface in the Control Panel looks plain now, compared to the Belkin n50 image. The driver that shows up in the Device Master is now "HID-compliant game controller". It's time for bed. I'll try programming it for Left 4 Dead, the game I'm currently playing, tomorrow night.

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 01 Dec 2008 09:31:48 +0000

Hurra ! Yeah !!!
Good night, sleep well :)

Mon, 01 Dec 2008 09:38:56 +0000

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