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Minecraft: How to Set Up Windows Multiplayer Server for the Very First Time

Setting up Minecraft server is actually very easy. But it's quite challenging for the first time, because it is not well documented. In this article, I will give you step-by-step perspective so that you can get a server up and running in five minutes.

Download Minecraft Server

As of this writing, the latest version of Minecraft server is 1.8.1. Download the Windows server executable ("minecraft_server.1.8.1.exe") from the following Minecraft web page:

Where to Place It?

The Windows server executable is self-contained. But it will create a large number of data files in the directory it resides. Therefore, it's best that you create a directory for it. You can place the directory anywhere. To gain easy access, you can even the directory on the Windows desktop.

Starting It Up

On the download page, Minecraft developer claims, "If you're running on Windows and just want to set up a server easily, download minecraft_server.1.8.1.exe and run it.". But the first time I've done it, it has taken me a while to figure out how to run it. Luckily, this guide will show you how.

Double-click on the "minecraft_server.1.8.1.exe" to run it. After it execute, it will terminate immediately. (This is where I start scratching my head the first time.) You'll notice that it has created a "logs" directory and a number of data files: "eula.txt" and "".

In order to set-up the server, you'll have to first agree with the EULA. To do that, open up the "eula.txt" in a text editor, like Windows Notepad. You'll see the following line:


Change that line to "true". The "" file is game configuration in text format. It is blank, but it will be filled out now that you've agreed to the EULA. Double-click "minecraft_server.1.8.1.exe" to start up the server and have it auto-fill the configuration file.

The server will also continue to execute. Shut it down so that you can change the configuration to your desire.

Setting Up Configuration

Double-click the "" configuration file. Windows will not know this format and will ask you to select a program to run it with. Choose Windows Notepad or your favorite text editor.

The configuration file is filled with things you can change. The following web page explains each configuration settings in detail:

Once you have the server configured to the way you want it, you just run "minecraft_server.1.8.1.exe" again to start the server. Now wasn't that easy?

Mon, 08 Dec 2014 21:59:23 +0300

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