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Ubuntu 13.04: Executing Shell Scripts From Samba Share

Ubuntu 13.04 has really made it difficult to execute shell scripts from a network share. After mounting a Windows network share in Nautilus (Ubuntu's default file manager), you can't do anything with the shell scripts other than loading them up in a text editor. If you create a desktop file (file with ".desktop" extension) to run the shell script, you'd simply get this error message:

Sorry, but you cannot execute commands from a remote site.
This is disabled due to security considerations.

Even the "Ubuntu: Enable Execution on FAT and NTFS Volumes" trick that works on Ubuntu 12.10 fails on Ubuntu 13.04. And, of course, mounting the network share in Nautilus doesn't allow you to access the remote share in the command-line.

The only other work-around that succeeded in allowing me to execute shell scripts on a remote share is to mount the remote share locally. You can do that if you have the CIFS utility installed. To install it, issue the following command in Terminal:

  sudo apt-get -y install cifs-utils

After installing this set of utility, you can use the "mount" command to mount the network share. But first, you need a mount point (an empty directory). I prefer putting the mount point in "/media". So you can do that with the following command (replace [folder] with the directory name of your choosing):

  sudo mkdir /media/[folder]

Once you have the directory created, you can use the following command to mount the CIFS network share (replace [host] and [share] with what's appropriate):

  sudo mount -t cifs //[host]/[share] /media/[folder] -o rw,noperm

Note that even with the "rw" (read/write) option, I found that some files in the mount still ended up as read-only. Using the "noperm" option gets around it.

Once you do all that, the remote network share will be mounted on your local Linux file system. Then you can run scripts either via the command-line or using a desktop file. Only short-coming is that you still can't double-click or right-click to launch a script. Nautilus seems to have eliminated that capability.

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 31 May 2013 03:49:08 +0400

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