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How to Get Free WiFi Access at Hyatt Regency San Francisco

Living in the city can be quite expensive. That's especially true for the Hyatt Regency at San Francisco, since it doesn't even provide free parking for hotel guests. Valet parking is $57 dollars and public parking is $33 dollars a night. Nothing is free at this hotel, except for the daily printed Wall Street Journal. Even wired and wireless Internet service costs $9.95 per day. But I have to say being at the waterfront of pier 1 has it pluses, especially if you stay in its Embarcadero Suite, which has a great view of the Port of San Francisco and the Bay Bridge.

But back to the free WiFi Access... If you look at the SSID in the wireless network list, you'll see "Hyatt" listed. But from the 10th floor of Hyatt, I have found that "DLM Guest" provides excellent signal strength. In fact, "DLM Guest" has higher signal strength than "Hyatt" sometimes. After connecting to "DLM Guest", my web browser reaches a page that says you have to install Cisco Clean Access Agent in order to use this network; a link is provided. Cisco Clean Access Agent is available for both Windows and Mac OS X. Once Cisco Clean Access Agent is installed, you'll be able to access the Internet easily. I don't know who provides "DLM Guest", but it beats having to pay to use the Internet in the San Francisco financial district.

"DLM Guest" has a Websense Enterprise installed, which means you are accessing the Internet through a proxy. The proxy doesn't allow you to access some sites, such as porn, video, etc. But you can easily get around that by setting up a home proxy server beforehand. Once you have a home proxy server set-up, you can use OpenVPN to tunnel to your home server. Configure your web browser to use your home proxy server. Then you can access any web page without being blocked.

Chieh Cheng
Sun, 01 Nov 2009 14:12:15 +0000

After checking out the IP address and the host name with this free online IP tool, I found the following information linked to "DLM Guest":, I went to to find that it belongs to Del Monte Foods. I think they are most well-known for their tomato sauce. Thank you Del Monte Foods for providing this free WiFi service.

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 02 Nov 2009 07:54:11 +0000

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