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Ubuntu 14.04 LTS - Wireless Network Stops Working Periodically

I have just installed Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on a netbook that runs the original Intel Atom processor. It's running as a server, so I use it with the lid closed. I have configured Ubuntu to ignore the lid switch so that it won't suspend the operating system. So far, the system runs fine.

But I would go to bed and come back the next day to find that I can no longer access the server remotely. Looking at the screen on the laptop, I can see that the wireless network is still connected. "ifconfig" shows "wlan0" to be configured correctly. But the netbook cannot see anything else on the LAN.

Pinging the local interface ( and "wlan0" IP works fine. But the server can't ping anything outside itself. I've placed the following line into "rc.local", but it did not solve the problem:

  iwconfig wlan0 power off

Anyone else experience this problem on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?

Tue, 08 Jul 2014 02:28:16 +0400

I found the work-around. It doesn't solve the problem, but keeps the server online.

Basically, I create a root cron script that checks network connection every five minutes. When the network connection fails, it restarts the network. Here is the basic code:

  result=` "${router}"`

if [ ${result} -eq 0 ]
service network-manager restart
fi is a script that is downloadable on this web page: (GPL)

Wed, 09 Jul 2014 22:44:04 +0400

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