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Verizon's hidden DSL order status page

Verizon Online has provided very good DSL service to me for the past two years. Download has been extremely fast compared to my other friends who use DSL or cable. And the DSL connection has only dropped for a few hours three to four times. Plus, the IP has only changed once, thus, it's like having a static IP connection. So, when I moved to my new residence, I had no problem signing up for Verizon Online DSL again.

When I placed my order on-line, Verizon provide an URL to check my order status. I was able to see my order status immediately. But the same night, I filed away my order information in my vault. Everyday since the day I ordered DSL, I have been compulsive in checking my order status. I've gone to Verizon's main web site and click on "Check Order Status". Going through the check order process, I would always get the following message:

"Order Status information is available 24 hours after an order was placed either online or over the phone.
We are sorry we are unable to process your request. For information on an order due today contact the VOICe Center. For orders not yet due placed by phone, contact your local Verizon business office. For orders placed online, send us an e-mail. For additional details on your Telephone or Equipment Order, please call Verizon at 1-800-277-1060."

This bugged me for a while, because I get obsessively compulsive . . . to me that means whenever I want to do something, then I have to do it. So if I want to check my order status, I get restless until I check it. And not being able to check my status just drives me crazy. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little here, but I still want to know my order status on a daily basis.

It turns out that the DSL order status page that Verizon sent me with my order is different than the page that the main web site links to. It seems to be a hidden page that you can't get to from Verizon's web site. The link provide by the order is, which redirects to DSL Order Information Center. From this page, you can easily check on your DSL order status.

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 29 Jul 2005 13:55:55 -0700

I tried to check my order status, whick stated try again later. I have had nothing but trouble getting hooked up to DSL through verizon. It was suppose to be connected the 27th, then held up a couple of days, The order should be in the system.
they were suppose to give me a tracking # for ups. but nothing. If the problem can not be solved my the first of the week , let me know.


donald gay
Sun, 29 Jun 2008 00:14:31 +0000

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