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.bashrc on Mac OS X

I am very fortunate to get remote access to Mac OS X. When I logged in, I got a nice greeting:

Welcome to Darwin!

But Darwin is really a version of OpenBSD, an UNIX varient. I love UNIX. You can pretty much do everything remotely as you can locally. If Apple had not gone with UNIX underneath its pretty GUI, I'd probably never get a chance to run on a Mac!

As soon as I logged in, I'm in Bash, one of my favorite UNIX shells. So, I'm all happy to reconfigure the environment so that the command-line would be friendlier to me. I copied over .bashrc and various login scripts from my existing Bash environments, logged out, and logged back in. But nothing happened. None of my familiar commands worked.

Strange. I loaded up "bash" again, but it works. Hmmmm. . . it only doesn't work when you first log in. Looks like the Apple engineers at Darwin made a change to its SSH/shell interface.

I found out later that Darwin looks for a ".profile" script file on log in, instead of the standard .bashrc. So I created this .profile file in my home directory with the following line:

source $HOME/.bashrc

This worked. It's also possible to copy the content of .bashrc to .profile. But when you run bash on its own, it won't look up .profile. So it's better to have .profile call .bashrc.

Chieh Cheng
Thu, 31 Aug 2006 20:19:19 -0700

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