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Mark Your Broken Sprinklers

I have just spent all afternoon fixing micro sprinklers in my backyard. Seems like twenty of them all need replacement. Normally, I turn on the zone for a minute, run around spotting broken ones, try remembering which ones, and replace the ones I remember. Then I repeat many many times until I get them all. Seems to take forever. And I just can't remember them all at once.

I have gotten fed up and thought of a better idea. I have these Sprinkler Spray Guards that I bought from Lowes before. Now I turn on the zone and loop these spray guards around each micro sprinker heads that are broken (see photo below). Then I can fix them allat once. Should have thought of this idea years ago.

The spray guards are meant for full size sprinklers. They won't loop around them for this purpose. But you can still throw the spray guard next to broken full size sprinklers to indicate bad ones.

Attached Image:

Use Spray Guard to Mark Broken Sprinklers-01.jpeg

Mon, 08 Apr 2019 17:39:00 -0700

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