Jan 31, 2015 · My now, I have already performed "Optimizing Minecraft on a Notebook Computer. By optimizing, I give the Minecraft server 1GB of RAM to start ...
Dec 14, 2014 · So the problem is that Java GUI's, when running on AMD CPU's, doesn't update and respond though a Remote Desktop connection; a strange problem.
I got the tiny MSi Wind Netbook last night. It's a pretty awesome computer; something I can really carry with me on the go. Here is my first impression of the ...
If you don't want your writing to be edited mercilessly, then don't submit it to the MyInk Wiki. Consider, instead, to submit it the GearHack Forums, where it ...
This web page documents a variety of laptop computers and their power usage. If you leave your laptop computer on to perform tasks, you can take a look at ...
Keyboard Skin is a Necessity on a Children Netbook. In my "Awaiting for My XO" article, I mentioned that the OLPC XO has a water-resistant membrane keyboard ...
Feb 7, 2017 · Could not authorize you against Realms server: Invalid session id. Tried to play Minecraft with my kids on our local network server today.
So I was thrilled to find rdesktop (Linux equivalent of Remote Desktop Connection) pre-installed on the OLPC XO. I launched it to connect to my server, but the ...
I have a number of notebook computers on site. In fact, a lot of computers on site. All of the notebook computer could see the Windows share server. However ...
The weird thing is that after I shut down the computer and booted it up again, the SMART message didn't show a second time. Now will this hard disk really crash ...