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Eight LR932 Button Cells Inside One A23 Battery

Looking to buy some replacement A23 batteries on Amazon for my garage door openers, I read one review claiming that Energizer A23 batteries are filled with button cell batteries. Intrigued, I took apart my depleted Energizer A23 battery (see photo below). Lo and behold, eight button cells dropped out of the battery shell.

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Sat, 27 Jul 2013 02:29:48 +0400

The button cells aren't marked with the size nor the voltage. Most button cells are 1.5 volts. And eight of them makes up the 12 volts on the A23 battery. The only other markings on them are the positive sign and the phrase, "BUTTON CELL". A bit of research on the Internet reveal they are LR932 button cells. Photo below shows the parts in a A23 battery.

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Sat, 27 Jul 2013 02:36:49 +0400

I took apart the A23 battery for the button cells back in July, but I had a difficult time finding a use for them. The LR932 button cells isn't used independently in any particular device. It seems to be made solely for the A23 battery.

However, yesterday, I have finally found a way to use them in my laser sights: Using LR932 Button Cells Inside Laser Sights. I suspect you can use them in other devices using similar hacks.

Fri, 04 Oct 2013 00:41:27 +0400

Hi there

I also bought MN21/23 Duracell batteries on Amazon (Spain). These batteries are not genuine Duracell, this is a scam ! Look closely at the photos, it is a pack of 8xLR932 batteries. Well done China, I still can not believe it ! I discovered it when my garage remote control was distorted by these batteries.



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Fri, 04 Mar 2016 17:21:28 +0300

Both of these batteries are genuine. The battery industry changed how they made these batteries once mercury was not longer allowed to be used. You can not make a alkaline battery 12V with the chemistry unless you make it out of many cells. Alkaline chemistry only generates 1.5-1.6V max. So you have to use the eight cells to create the battery.

Sat, 26 Jan 2019 11:00:54 -0800

I just bought a Bob Ross bobble head figure and found that it "talks" but the three LR932 batteries were dead. Thanks for the hack

Sun, 07 Jul 2019 09:07:22 -0700

I had the same problem with the Bob Ross bobble head, the batteries were dead and I had a hard time finding replacements, so I took apart the A23 and low and behold, 8 little batteries that I needed, thanks for the advice !

Jon Worthington
Wed, 18 Sep 2019 18:26:46 -0700

I've looked everywhere for LR932 batteries, to no avail! I have experience with button batteries and this number rang no bells. Thank you for this info! Hubby's Dr. Who Dalek he got will finally get to speak, oh yea.

Pam Glennie
Wed, 15 Jan 2020 14:12:20 -0800

Just used this hack for the Dr. Who Dalek. Girlfriend is so happy! He speaks!

Tue, 12 May 2020 15:42:43 -0700

OMG... I bought my Bob Ross bobble head, too, and even purchased extra LR932 button cell batteries from an online retailer - 4 stinkin' button batteries for $8.70. Are you kidding me right now??? Went searching to see what would be equivalent and found several sites that stated LR932 batteries are housed in A23s... Eight of them. I just priced them and I want to *headdesk* because the price on Amazon for a pack of 12 A23s (96 LR932s) would put the cost of one LR932 at eleven cents. So, now my Bob Ross Bobble Head will talk forever. LOL Thanks for this hack! I'm beyond grateful. :)

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Bob Ross Bobble Head.jpg

Mon, 26 Oct 2020 10:20:25 -0700

Wish I would have come across this sooner! My husband just ordered 4 for 25 bucks.weirdly, they are also found in light up butt plugs. Fml.

Fri, 04 Mar 2022 19:13:23 -0800

This was supremly helpful. Oddly I had the same issue as another on here. Replacement batteries for Bob Ross Bobblehead. I couldn't find the batteries anywhere and when I could they were about $25 for the batteries. The Bobble head was half that..but I did have some of those energizer batteries and now I can hear all the fun quotes from Mr Ross.

Sun, 19 Jun 2022 09:17:17 -0700

I couldn't find LR932 batteries or their equivalent. I am so glad I stumbled across this site. Thank you!

Sun, 27 Nov 2022 11:24:02 -0800

Seinfeld Festivus Pole...Went nuts looking for batteries for this until I found this hack.

Thank you and Merry Christmas (Or Festivus, as you prefer)

Thu, 01 Dec 2022 14:35:07 -0800

Just gave my artist wife a Bob Ross bobblehead and whaddya know, the LR932 batteries were dead! Thanks for the hack.

Sun, 18 Dec 2022 15:59:54 -0800

OMG Thank you! I have been spent way too much time trying to find these batteries for my mini Festivus Pole. I see someone else also has the pole in the comments. I'm going to put this information in an Amazon review for the item because this hunt was ridiculous.

Thu, 09 Feb 2023 18:16:17 -0800

Another Bob Ross Bobblehead Lives!

Mon, 12 Jun 2023 18:11:58 -0700

Thank you so much for posting this. I had no idea I could even open up a battery let alone get the ones I needed for Bob Ross. He lives on!!

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Mon, 06 Nov 2023 14:55:00 -0800

Ditto on the Festivus pole! By the way, I worked on a jurisdiction's zoning ordinance and was able to insert sale of Festivus poles among Christmas tree lots and pumpkin patches because the higher ups who "said they were reviewing the draft documents", really weren't. Three months after adoption, the Planning Manager finally noticed. Hah! And this post counts as an Airing of Grievances! :-)

Tue, 05 Dec 2023 19:36:52 -0800

Another bob ross bobblehead brought back to life! Thank you

Greg Neilson
Fri, 29 Dec 2023 05:07:35 -0800

Thanks heaps for this hack! I got a talking Wonder Woman toy and the batteries were flat so finding this hack helped me get the right batteries and now she talks to me, yay!!

Fri, 15 Mar 2024 03:45:33 -0700

Wow! Thank you SO much for this tip. I found the energizer battery mentioned and found the small batteries I needed! Now my Wonder Woman bust is talking.

Thu, 21 Mar 2024 02:28:26 -0700

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