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Android 2.2 on Verizon XV6900 (HTC Touch)

After downloading "CyanogenMod 6 Kaiser [RLS5.2]", from the "CyanogenMod 6 Kaiser [RLS5.2] - RC2 based, odex:ed build [6.8.2010] thread, I now have Android 2.2 on the HTC Touch. At first, I thought I was just trying a different Android 2.1 distribution. But I was pleasantly surprised that it is version 2.2.

So far, it seems really fast compared to the Polymod 2.1g distribution I was running. In addition, paid apps shows up in the market. Now I'm in the process of installing my apps. I will write more as I try it out.

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 11 Aug 2010 16:48:20 +0000

After using CyanogenMod 6 Kaiser [RLS5.2] for a day or so on the HTC Touch, I found it very fast in some instances. But I also found it extraordinarily slow in many other instances. I'm at the verge of claiming that it is unusable on the HTC Touch. Has anyone else tried it on the HTC Touch? What are your thoughts.

Chieh Cheng
Thu, 12 Aug 2010 17:21:30 +0000

I went back to using CyanogenMod 6 Kaiser [RLS5.2]. It's not so much that it's slow that frustrates me. It's actually fast enough. But I realized that what really frustrates me is that it hangs. But now I have that problem solved. I found that it's the "Dalvik just-in-time compiler" that causes it to hang.

Fortunately, you can turn it off by going into the CyanogenMod performance settings. Use the following sequence to get there:

Menu -> "Settings" -> "CyanogenMod settings" -> "Performance settings" -> "OK"

Once there, uncheck "Use JIT" to deactivate "Dalvik just-in-time compiler". You'll have to reboot the phone for it to take effect.

Before you do that, I suggest a number of other performance enhancements:

1. Enable "Use Compcache". With it enabled, my "Memory Watcher" app doesn't trip as much, indicating more virtual memory for the system. And I don't feel any performance hits. In fact, because there are less low memory instances, the system feels faster.

2. Uncheck "Enable surface dithering". I don't see a different in image quality, so why waste CPU power here?

Once I have performed these changes, Android 2.2 is extremely stable on my HTC Touch. Good luck, I hope you have the same experience.

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 16 Aug 2010 15:30:37 +0000

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Title: No Android Home Functionaltiy with VaniljEclair RLS10b on HTC Touch
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: After finding that CyanogenMod 6 Kaiser [RLS5.2] runs a little too slow on the HTC Touch, I decided to give VaniljEclair RLS10b - A fast & stable CM 5.0.8 for Vogue/Kaiser/Polaris [2010-08-09] a try. VaniljEclair is Android 2.1, unlike CyanogenMOd 6 Kaisor, which is Android 2.2. VaniljEclair's moto . . .
Tracked: Thu, 12 Aug 2010 23:17:15 +0000

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Tracked: Fri, 13 Aug 2010 17:56:06 +0000

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