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Clash of Clans: Trophy Hunt

In Clash of Clans, there are several reasons to earn trophies:

- Bragging rights.
- Achievements.
- Earn gems.

In the "Sweet Victory" achievement, you can score 450 gems, which allows you to buy the third builder (cost 500 gems). And if you get to the Crystal League (2000 trophies), you get another 250 gems.

To win trophies, you have to be victorious in your attack and defense battles. During an attack, you can be victorious by destroying the enemy's town hall or destroying more than half of its buildings.

It's not always easy to destroy half of the enemy's buildings. And if the town hall is well protected in the center of the village, it's not easy to destroy that either. If you fail to achieve victory, you lose trophies.

A method to help you win some trophies, guaranteed, is to hunt for them. Many players place their town hall outside the village (see screen shot below), hoping you destroy it to gain 12 hours of shield, without looting the rest of the village. You just have to destroy several of these in one session to continue to increase your trophy count.

The rule of thumb is to get over 30 trophies in one session, because without a shield, it's possible for you to lose up to 30 trophies in a defense.

Attached Image:

Isolated Town Hall.png

Sun, 13 Sep 2015 10:34:01 +0400

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Title: Clash of Clans: Getting 1250 Trophies
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: In Clash of Clan, there is the "Sweet Victory!" achievement that grants you 450 gems. That is practically one new builder. Or if you already have three builders, that gets you half way to the fourth builder. But it is not easy getting 1250 trophies, because the easy villages to raid grant you an ave . . .
Tracked: Sun, 13 Sep 2015 10:34:52 +0400

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