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Sony Dream Machine FM/AM Clock Radio ICF-C218 - Time Change

This weekend, we had a Daylight Saving Time (DST) change, but the Sony Dream Macine didn't change its time. It suppose to get its time off the air wave automatically. So I'm at a loss on what to do with it.

And for the past six month, the time on it had been twelve minutes fast. I was really happy that this alarm clock can keep its own time without me changing it every so often. But had become rather useless if it can't keep accurate time.

Anyone know why the time if off on this Sony clock radio?

Mon, 05 Nov 2012 21:04:05 +0300

I was frustrated with this Sony Dream Machine, because it claims "Auto Time Set" right on its body, but time was off by 15 minutes for the past month. And it never adjusted itself. So enough was enough and I read the instruction manual carefully.

Based on reading the instruction manual word for word, I come to the realization that this alarm clock doesn't actually set the time automatically. Instead, "this unit is preset to the current date and time a the factory." The "Auto Time Set" only applies to you changing the time zone and the daylight saving time (DST) mode, so that the clock displays your currently time. By doing this when you first buy it, it gives you the illusion that the clock actually sets its time automatically.

This means that once the clock is off, you have to manually adjust it. And after reading the instructions word for word, I finally figured out that you have to set the date correctly in order for DST to work. And you have to adjust the clock manually to keep the time correct. So much for this automated clock.

Not Happy
Mon, 01 Apr 2013 02:00:10 +0400

this clock/radio keeps gaining time. it was 4 min ahead, now I notice it's 6 min ahead. what is wrong with this? I had a Skyscan clock/radio and it kept perfect time and still does.

j.e. watson
Fri, 16 Jan 2015 01:40:55 +0300

The "auto time set" feature fooled me, too. I thought I was getting a clock with a WWVB receiver that would always have the correct time. WRONG! I'm only out $2.50, though, as I bought it at a thrift shop.

Dan R
Sun, 10 Jan 2016 07:10:47 +0300

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Title: Sony Dream Machine FM/AM Clock Radio ICF-C218
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: Instruction manuals for this clock radio.
Tracked: Mon, 05 Nov 2012 21:04:52 +0300

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